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17 أكتوبر 2013

Contract Support Engineer


The main purpose of the role is to maximise the Group return by way of delivering high level of customer service and proactive business development. The employee is also responsible for profitability in line with agreed annual budgets and development plan objectives. It is incumbent upon the job holder to develop the Contract into a wider business base. Abu Dhabi offers an appealing lifestyle and a great working environment. The successful candidate will gain International experience and will work in a culturally diverse environment. In addition you would be entitled to a tax free salary accommodation and a car . MAIN RESPONSIBILITIES iuml130middot Management of day to day running of the Contract which includes dealing with queries from offshore supervisors. iuml130middot Daily liaison with ADMA OPCO onshoreoffshore management representatives. The job holder is also responsible for instigating quarterly performance review meetings with the Client's onshore and offshore management. iuml130middot Preparation of annual plans and budget forecasts together with proposals and tenders as necessary. iuml130middot Review and maintain an uptodate understanding of appropriate legislation including safety requirements. iuml130middot Manage the Contract in accordance with company procedures specifications and best engineering Practices. iuml130middot Coordinate all crane maintenance operator services and modification work. iuml130middot Review and update contractor operating manuals and procedures to ensure alignment with Company specified standards. iuml130middot Promote and facilitate continuous improvement in the Company's training and QA policies. Specific responsibilities will include liaison with the Company's HSEQ department and third party QA representatives as well as collation of QA plans documents and inspection reports. iuml130middot Coordinate Technical Support. iuml130middot Review and maintain an effective spares holding system. This will involve analysing parts and maintenance manuals and compiling recommended spares holding procedures. iuml130middot Analyse breakdown reports and instigate remedial action. iuml130middot Arrange mobilisation of personnel. iuml130middot Prepare monthly reports in respect of safety finance performance indicators and technical aspects. iuml130middot Undertake 6monthly technical maintenance audits. iuml130middot Carry out a quarterly review of content and frequency of maintenance procedures. iuml130middot Prepare a programme for long and shortterm maintenance. iuml130middot Coordinate inspection refurbishment and recertification of ropes. iuml130middot Make regular visits to offshore installations to maintain contact with offshore personnel and ensure maintenance standards are upheld. iuml130middot Schedule and mobilise manpower and equipment associated with contract activities. iuml130middot Compile records and condition monitoring information relating to all aspects of the contract. iuml130middot Identify and agree changes to contract specified equipment with the company's technical department and client representative. MANAGEMENT iuml130middot Contributing to the development of new systems procedures and initiatives that will assist the Group of Companies by Taking part in the senior management team meetings iuml130middot Contributing to special meetings and working parties iuml130middot Ensuring that all financial transactions are completed to the highest ethical and professional standards and comply with the groups Finance Policies by iuml130middot Seeking advice from Finance iuml130middot Encouraging direct reports to seek advice from and respond timely to staff in the Finance department iuml130middot Responding quickly and thoroughly when issues regarding financial probity are suspected or identified. HSEQ RESPONSIBILITIES iuml130middot It is mandatory that the incumbent is familiar with and follows the Company's Health Safety Environment and Quality Management System and takes an active part in the compliance and improvement of the Management Systems . Acircmiddot The incumbent must report any accidents incidents near misses actual or potential problems with products services or systems according to the Management System processesprocedures. iuml130middot The incumbent also has legal responsibilities under countryspecific health safety andor environmental legislation to follow all Company policies procedures guidelines control measures signage and permit conditions and to know what to do in an emergency. iuml130middot The incumbent is also responsible for the health and safety arrangements o more...


via http://uae.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-emirates/engineer/003324241.html

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