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Custom Search

11 أكتوبر 2013

Container Terminal Engineering Manager

. Container Terminal Engineering Manager Various Locations

We are currently recruiting for a number of container terminals globally that are looking for both Terminal Engineering Managers and an Engineering Superintendent.

Ideally we are looking for candidates that have worked in a similar position on a container terminal and have worked on brands such as






Equipment experience is to include

RubberTyred Gantry Crane

Rail Mounted Gantry Crane

Quay Crane

Ship to Shore


Ideally candidates will have previously supervisory experience will have handle preventative maintenance schedules and full PL responsibility for an engineering department. Candidates will ideally hold some form of maintenance qualification whether this be mechanical electrical or multiskilled.

If you're interested in having an informal chat or would like to know more about expat positions overseas please get in touch asap.

Our advertisements use postqualification experiencesalary levels as a guide. However we will consider applications from any candidates who are able to demonstrate the skills necessary to carry out the role.

We welcome applications from candidates of all ages.

Candidates must be eligible to live and work more...


via http://uae.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-emirates/engineer/003318419.html

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