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2 سبتمبر 2013

superstructure coordinator

The position of Superstructure Coordinator is primarily responsible for taking care of execution of all Superstructure items in residential commercial projects effectively efficiently.

He’s also responsible for supervision of site checking of quality of materials works maintaining quality of alll the tasks and items as per set company’s standard.

Reporting to the Construction Site Manager


•To carry out Technical supervision of ongoing civil work such as concrete pouring steel fixation waterproofing masonry electromechanical installations etc. at all stages as per the working drawings and quality specified.

•Project Execution managing site engineers’ supervisors staff operatives subcontractors and suppliers.

•To coordinate with different subcontractors and petty contractors agencies to maintain and improve quality as well as progress of construction work.

•Make sure about work carried out as per technical specifications specified in BOQ.

•Finishing as per timeline and quality with low wastage and high productivity

•Controlling engineers supervisors and crews of workers in the Superstructure stage






Electromechanical Plumbing installation etc.

•Delivery of the units taken from urbanization urbanized plot till finishing and delivering the superstructure unit to the Finishing stage team

via http://saudi.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-saudi/jeddah/003240838.html

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