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6 سبتمبر 2013

SeniorTeam Lead Reservoir Engineer ndash Expat in the Middle East Spencer Ogden

Spencer Ogden is working in close partnership with one of the world39s largest producers in Oil and Gas. Our Client is well known for producing record volumes of Oil making it the world39s most valuable company.

On offer are a number of opportunities within the reservoir management department from Senior to Team Lead level.

Candidate Requirements

A Bachelor39s degree in Petroleum EngineeringReservoir Engineering

A Master39s degree in Reservoir EngineeringGeology would be a significant advantage.

A minimum of 12 years reservoir engineering experience within a leading Operator

You will have a proven track record of accurate contribution to Field Development Planning in your career and prior success at the identification and evaluation of Acquisition and Divestiture opportunities in the Oilfield.

Duties and Responsibilities

Manage of all Saudi Aramco nonassociated gas reservoirs and Northern Area oil and condensate reservoirs.

Formulate reservoir development data acquisition strategic surveillance and monitoring masterplans to ensure optimal development and depletion strategies.

Provide guidance and oversight on bestinclass reservoir management tenets practices and stateoftheart technologies for all hydrocarbon assets.

Develop work over and drilling plans and improved production and recompletion strategies aimed at maintaining the field production target and optimizing reserves.

On offer is a highly competitive package

For more information about this role please contact our London office

Status Staff Minimum Experience 0 years Location . INTERNATIONAL nbsp Remuneration 120000 180000 US Dollarsyear Advert Published 6 Sep 2013 Expiry date 13 Sep 2013 Spencer Ogden Ref. No.

YBRUAERE OilCareers Ref. No.

via http://qatar.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-qatar/engineer/003249228.html

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