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15 سبتمبر 2013

Senior Counsel Corporate Commercial


Senior Counsel Corporate amp Commercial




Updated September 7 2013

Reporting to the Chief Legal Officer you will be responsible to Assist in the development of the legal strategy business plan and budget in line with Corporate Strategy. You will have to developreview polices procedure and processes for the Legal Department. Provide highquality advice on legal issues to all Qnbn all divisions departments and senior management to assist them in decisionmaking. You will have to prepare review and amend all legal contracts memorandum and other contractual documents required in coordination with the Chief Legal Officer to ensure compliance with the legislation of the Qatar. Critical to this role will be to handle all legal issues e.g. disputes concerning government vendors operators etc. and identify legal risksissues proposing resolutions and negotiating them with all concerned departments. The successful candidate will review contractual agreements and provide commercial advice to the procurement departmentrepresent the company in cases involving litigation and arbitration hearings and undertake legal research and studies. Other critical elements of the role will be to protect employee interests from legal perspective handle internal and external legal requirements monitor and enforce legal conditions internally. You will also need to maintain and continuously update legal documents and files whilst delivering in line with the authorities as illustrated in the authority matrix.

Who we39re looking for

Successful candidates will need to have a LLB plus ideally a LLMMBA from a common law jurisdiction. You must have a proven track record in a multinational practice followed by some inhouse experience in TELECOMMUNICATIONS sector. Telecommunications experience is absolutely necessary for this position and this could be obtained through practice or ideally in a inhouse capacity.You will need to have strong commercial drafting experience wide exposure to employee relations and proven experience in dealing with regulatory entities. You must either have Middle East legal experience orand be Arabic speaking.

About our client

Qnbn is strategically vital to Qatar39s future development serving the wider digitization agenda of the country. Through its visionary and collaborative approach to the market Qnbn will help to empower the nation with highspeed broadband fibre access to citizens and businesses alike. Qnbn aims to have maximum nation coverage in line with the Qatar ICT Strategy 2015. The next generation fibre optics network will become exponentially faster bringing community and enterprise benefits of enhanced delivery of communication services cost savings increased competitiveness and improved sustainability. Recent research shows that doubling the broadband speed increases an economy39s GDP by 0.3. Qnbn will focus solely on the deployment of a passive network infrastructure providing equal and open access to operators to offer choice for the enduser and efficiently leveraging existing and new infrastructure in Qatar.

What39s on offer

Exceptional opportunity to accelerate your care more...


via http://qatar.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-qatar/003266426.html

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