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Custom Search

6 سبتمبر 2013

Sales Manager IntelliSpace Portal and Workstations

Job title Sales Manager IntelliSpace Portal and Workstations Report to Business Line Director IntelliSpace Portal and Workstations Aim of the job Maximizes sales volume in the country countries by· Owning the sales processes from end to end· Achieve or exceed order intake and sales volumes· Achieve or exceed service revenue and contract penetration rate· Opportunity prospecting· Leading product presentations and demonstrations· Increasing NPS scores with customers· Increasing market share · Achieve pricing targets· Support the markets and Business Line Director in the achievement of the sales strategy Key Areas of Responsibility · Drive orders sales and service revenue from assigned product line· Maintain accurate sales funnel for assigned region· Provide winloss information for all deals· Assess customer’s workflow and clinical needs· Present the product to prospective customers and be able to clearly communicate the value to all of the key stakeholders CXO department managers Radiologists NM Physicians Hospital IT· Demonstrate the appropriate and relevant applications of the IntelliSpace Portal to secure the customer commitment to buy the product· Proposes strategies to the Market Developer andor Business Line Director to optimize the results of the clinical site visit and demonstration helping maintain the budget and achieve the sales goals.· Maintain and uptodate understanding of competitive product lines and the latest clinical applications and reconciles demonstrations accordingly to ensure our distinguishable posture· Prospecting opportunities within assigned geographies.· All activities involved in improving and increasing NPS scores for the region· Escalation of product issues to Market Development Manager Business Line Director · Identify and recommend regional clinical show sites to facilitate stronger site visits within the country· Participate in regional and global medical conference as demonstrators andor Philips ambassadors Education Experience · Degree level education or equivalent· Indepth knowledge of one or more of the following modalities CT MR NM · Preferably also has IT knowledge · Fluent in English verbal and written in addition to local language · Preferably has an existing customer network within the sales region· Excellent communication and presentation skills · Able to build and maintain relationships with customers at all levels in the buying organization · Previous healthcare sales experience dealing with CXO Radiology and Hospital IT· Service oriented attitude both internal and external· Able to work under pressure meeting competing deadlines· Able to work with minimal supervision in a team environment · Detail oriented


via http://saudi.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-saudi/sales/003249006.html

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