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9 سبتمبر 2013

Sales AgentMenswear ST5274ST5374–Clothing Made in Italy ST


Sales AgentMenswear ST5274ST5374Clothing Made in Italy ST5361ST5373Socks ST5179 Emirati ArabiAbout the Job

The Company BampB INTERNATIONAL SRL is searching for CandidatesPartners interested to evaluate proposals to RepresentPurchase the ProductsServicesWorks from Us specified in the description of the Offer. Ideal candidatesAcircnbspworks orAcircnbsphave worked in this field previously.

ESSENTIAL and OBLIGATORY to be Sales Agents with VAT code Technical Agents Brokers Intermediaries Distributors Importing Purchase Group

We DO NOT evaluate different roles THAN THOSE indicated

Commission based on Sales.


AcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbsp Technical Data Sheet ST5274ST5374

MenswearMade in ItalyandorItalianStyle. Fashionyoung elegant classictailoring. The Company offersa personalized servicetailoredwith fine andcarefully selectedfabrics colorfashion trend. TargetMedium High. Company with over one hundred years of experience in the field that works with its OwnBrandor Private Label. Delivery Ex Works.


Production made in Italy. Men's clothing young elegant classic wedding and casual. Fullbody clothing coats and jackets fine fabric requirement of the customer. Target MediumFine. The Distribution is under Its Own Brand or Private Label based on the production lots. Delivery Ex Works


B Clothing Made in Italy

AcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbsp AcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspTechnical Data Sheet ST5361ST5373

Clothing Made in Italy. Production of Dresses Women's apparel men women and kids. Company specialized in clothing for young women elegant classic and sporty. Creation with fabrics and colors fashion trend Target Average High. Delivery Ex Works

Product Made in Italy. Production of Clothing for Women Total Look Elegant Classic Casual and Sports. Realization with natural fabrics jersey and fashion trend colors. Clothes up to size 52. Target Medium MediumHigh. The Company operate with its Own Brand. Delivery Ex Works


C Socks

AcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbspAcircnbsp Technical Data SheetAcircnbsp ST5179

Tights Made in Italy High Quality. The company also produced on brand dedicated. Classic stockings and preventive from 8 to 140 den plain knit and net. Socks knee highs socks stockings tights open toe. Knee Socks man Made in Italy of High Quality made with first quality yarn cotton lycra wool merinos. Company with many years of experience in the industry. It has specialized certificate with domestic production. The company works with supply programs on a quarterly semiannual and or annual basis

via http://uae.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-emirates/it/003254643.html

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