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10 سبتمبر 2013

Physiotherapist Specialist - Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Physiotherapist Specialist with more than 5 years clinical experience invited to apply. Requirements: EDUCATION: Bachelor degree Physiotherapy + Post graduate clinical courses. LICENSE: Current license of practice in country of origin. EXPERIENCE: 5 years of clinical experience as Physiotherapist of which 3 years in area of specialty Preferred: 7 years of clinical experience as Physiotherapist of which 5 years in area of specialty AGE: As per hospital policy only candidates up to the age of 49 will be considered. LANGUAGE SKILLS: English essential. Arabic Preferred NATIONALITIES: ARABS, UK, USA, Canada, South-Africa, Australia, NZ. Note: On acceptance of an offer of employment from the hospital you will be required to pass Prometric Examination Of Supreme Council of Health at your own cost (200 USD).Follow the below link for the online test, https://www.prometric.com/en-us/clients/schq/Pages/land ing.aspx

via JOBS-EG http://www.jobs-eg.com/job/physiotherapist-specialist---physical-medicine-and-rehabilitation/11640/

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