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15 سبتمبر 2013

Onisland Construction Team Leader AMEC Europe

Role Overview

To plan and manage the Onisland construction activities on the EPC1 Project to meet the project objectives

with due cognizance with respect to safety quality and schedule.

Key Responsibilities

Steward Site Safety and HSE at the EPC1 Onisland construction sites.

Lead and manage company EPC1 Onisland construction team through to completion of construction

activities in accordance with project objectives schedule priorities and contract specifications.

Steward the planning and execution of transportation construction onisland hookup and mechanical

completion activities by the EPC1 contractor.

Manage interfacesinteractions with contractors and other project functional groups e.g. engineering systems

completion fabrication drilling production operations regarding construction issues

Report progress performance initiatives and issues to the Construction Manager

Act as single point of contact within Contractor organization for EPC1 Onisland construction issues

Steward safety performance and champion onsite safety awareness and safe performance with contractor

and site Team members

Coordinate input to and review development of Contractor39s detailed engineering procurement schedule and

execution plans and their impact on the Onisland construction work.

Ensure the aspects of constructability is addressed in Contractor39s engineering amp planning

Monitor and appraise the Contractor39s performance for safety quality cost and schedule ensure that

appropriate corrective actions are taken when needed

Keep management advised of progress performance initiatives issues challenges and anticipated

completion dates to enable the forecast planning analysis to be performed.

Ensure safe and effective Mobilization and Demobilization of both Project Team Contractor resources

Utilize best practices and lessons learned in administering the execution of the work including interpretations

to contract specifications as required

Review change requests and change assessments in accordance with the management of change plan

Ensure Contractor is implementing and maintaining an effective interface management system

Assist Contractor and subcontractor in achieving the contract expectations and requirements.

Oversee contractual and job specification compliance

Ensure Mechanical completion and systems completion activities are planned and safely executed to facilitate


Lead lessons learned review and prepare closeout report upon completion of the work

Actively Participate in project Reviews

Evaluate site personnel performance on regular basis to ensure performance and development criteria and

being met.

Role Requirments

BSBSc in Engineering or Equivalent.

Minimum of 10 years of oil and gas project construction experience.

Minimum of 5 years of experience of supervision of onshore construction activities.

Good communication and language skills.

Status Staff Minimum Experience 10 years Location Abu Dhabi INTERNATIONAL nbsp Advert Published 15 Sep 2013 Expiry date 15 Oct 2013 AMEC Europe Ref. No.

15987BR OilCareers Ref. No.

J10 more...


via http://qatar.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-qatar/engineer/003266417.html

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