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6 سبتمبر 2013

Nursing Division Head

Discover a new world by the Persian Gulf Saudi Arabia awaits you!

HCL Permanent is currently working in partnership with a large globally recognised organisation to fill the position of Division Head in Al Hasa Saudi Arabia.

Interviews will be held in London offices from 30th September – 4th October 2013. If required flights and 1 night accommodation will be paid for you to attend.

On top of a completely tax free salary and warmer climate our client offers you a welcoming secure place for you to thrive in without the usual restrictions for women compared to other cities in the Kingdom. Featuring highquality furnished residences extensive recreational activities community clubs exotic travel and a multicultural environment our client is offering a high quality of life for their employees!

The incredibly attractive benefits package includes

•Tax Free salary

•Paid flights to Saudi Arabia

•Annual flight ticket home

•Spacious modern air conditioned accommodation

•Generous annual leave

•Free Medical care

•Education benefits

•Comprehensive orientation

•Travel and vacation allowances

•Plus much more!


•A Bachelor’s degree in Nursing and a master’s degree preferably in Nursing Administration or Healthcare Administration. Note either the bachelor’s or master’s degree must be in Nursing. from the UK Ireland Australia NZ USA

•Current NMC Nursing board license or equivalent in the above countries

•15 years nursing experience including 5 years of progressive senior management experience.

•You will be required to have professional experience with demonstrated competency in clinical management and leadership skills in addition to thorough and current experience and knowledge in budgeting finance and calculating staffing needs.

•You will require a thorough knowledge of Outpatient Clinics Emergency Departments plus Inpatient ICU General MedicalSurgical and OR Day Surgery and Patient Anesthesia Units.

If you would like to apply for please email your current CV to You can apply or contact us using the Apply Online Box below

via http://saudi.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-saudi/nursing/003249124.html

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