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Custom Search

12 سبتمبر 2013

Marketing Manager


Marketing Manager

Overview of role

We are looking for a dynamic marketing professional with proven ability in an international business environment who understands the B2B challenges of a premium engineering consultancy and can enable us to take a significant step forward in marketing effectiveness and activity.

This position could be based at our site in Shoreham By Sea near Brighton or at our site in Leamington Spa

Your tasks will include

nbspWorking with our marketing agency on formal material and with engineers on their sales packs with the requirement to produce high quality and consistent material across the business

nbspLeading the small team who manage our events activity and in busy periods managing events

nbspManaging interactions with and delivery from our Marketing Agency PR agency and other suppliers

nbspWorking with our PR Agency to define and review the content of the UK material in our quarterly magazine RQ.

nbspOwning the UK marketing budget and annual budgeting process

nbspDeveloping the UK marketing strategy and working with the UK business areas to identify their marketing needs and put appropriate actions in place

nbspSupporting with Divisional and Group colleagues development of Ricardo brand positioning and strategy

nbspLeading a review of our current marketing channels and their VFMnbsp and making recommendations for any changes required including use of social media

nbspSupporting and carrying out market studies on potential new business areas and customers

nbspManagement of the website content to ensure it is current and live and working closely with Ricardo Group and other Divisions on website development

nbspManagement of our customer satisfaction database analysis of data and ensuring actions are fed back in to the business.

nbspInvestigating and promoting new sales and opportunitieschannels

nbspTaking a leading role in coordination of the global marketing team

nbspTaking ownership of the customer view of visits to Ricardo UK and identifying changes to our sites to improve the customer experience

Person specification

nbspProfessional degree and marketing qualifications

nbspLeadership and team management skills

nbspDemonstrated ability to manage layout and control text content of marketing material.

nbspExcellent project and time management skills

nbspGood communication stake holder management and influencing skills

nbspEvidence of existing interest or previous experience in Ricardo business areas

nbspClear understanding of the marketing principles in a B2B environment

nbspExcellent written and analytical skills

nbspProficient in MSOffice Excel Access Word Powerpoint

nbspWorking knowledge of tools required to update and manage websites

nbspAbility to work in a team but also enough motivation to initiate and carry out tasks alone by being a selfstarter

nbspAble to travel internationally

nbspFluent in English additional languages beneficial

The Company

Ricardo is a global worldclass multiindustry consultancy for engineering technology project innovation and strategy.nbsp With a century of delivering value we employee over 1600 professional consultants engineers and staff worldwide.


Our people are committed to providing outstanding value through quality engineering solutions focused on high efficiency low emission classleading product innovation and robust strategic implementation.


Our client list includes the world's major transportation Original Equipment Manufacturers OEMrsquos supply chain organisations energy companies financial institutions amp governments.


Guided by our corporate values of respect integrity creativity amp innova more...


via http://kuwait.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-kuwait/marketing/003261360.html

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