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4 سبتمبر 2013

Land Surveyor Qatar

Requirements The Land Surveyor will be a qualified professional who must have a minimum qualification BSc BEng BA or equivalent Chartered status would be preferable and more than ten years experience with seven being similar to this projectrole. The Land Surveyor must possess the ability to utilize modern survey equipment. Regional experience would be preferred. The Land Surveyor will also be responsible for maintaining and enhancing Atkins reputation with our clients and developing effective long term client relationships thus identifying and developing new opportunities for the Group. Responsibilities • Report to the Senior Land Surveyor • Liaise with Ministry and Municipality surveyors • Be responsible for the all survey works and setting out activities on site • Liaise with the Resident Engineers to coordinate the daily work load and organize the workload for the land surveyors accordingly • Prepare reports • Ensure that the appropriate records are maintained to be able to assist in the checking of the “As Built” records • Ensure that the correct software is being used to be compatible with PWA requirement Rewards Benefits We offer an excellent package which includes • A competitive salary • Accommodation allowance • Transportation allowance • 26 calendar days annual leave based on 6 day working week • Medical and life insurance cover • Company gratuity scheme • Discretionary bonus scheme • Annual flight allowance to point of origin • Employee WellBeing Programme – 24 hour free advice on financial legal and family care specialists and also access to personal health fitness and nutrition consultants About Atkins Atkins has been established in the Gulf for over 40 years having first carried out design and supervision commissions in the Gulf area in 1967. The regional head office Dubai was established in 1979. We provide a full range of design engineering and project management services for buildings transportation and other infrastructure programmes Atkins in the Middle East now employs around 2000 staff serving Gulf clients across all market sectors from offices in Abu Dhabi Al Ain Doha Dubai Jeddah Kuwait City Manama Muscat Riyadh Sharjah.


via http://qatar.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-qatar/003245694.html

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