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2 سبتمبر 2013

IP Global


Mortgage Finance Consultant

Headquartered in Hong Kong complete offers a dynamic endtoend property financing and management process to support international property investors seeking to build wealth through smart real estate investment.

Since complete was incorporated in 2008 our business has gone from strengthtostrength including establishing complete finance in 2009 to service the financing needs of international property investors. As a fully independent brokerage Complete Finance is able to source the best possible mortgage terms for clientsacirc128153 properties worldwide.

To date we have sourced mortgage financing in over 20 countries across 6 continents for both established and emerging property investment markets.

complete is a sister company of international real estate investment house IP Global. Focused on developing strong reliable and longlasting partnerships IP Global help clients leverage the extensive market and industry expertise of their team to build highly profitable and globally diverse investment portfolios.

Through their offices in Asia and the UAE IP Global have to date completed on real estate transactions worth more than USD1 billion on behalf of their clients. Theyacirc128153ve built a leading reputation for identifying the worldacirc128153s highpotential markets and the best value projects those markets have to offer which has led to their emergence as one of the worldacirc128153s biggest sellers of London stock to overseas investors.

Job purpose

Due to ongoing expansion complete finance requires a Mortgage Finance Consultant to work closely with the IP Global UAE team in Dubai to provide mortgage solutions for a rapidly expanding and diverse client mix.


  • Tailormake solutions to meet clientsacirc128153 financial and investment objectives across the globe

  • Generate new leads for both mortgage and remortgage appointments

  • Regularly review existing clients portfolio for remortgaging opportunities

  • Source financing solutions and relationships with banks

  • Follow up and respond to all customer mortgage enquiries in a timely manner

  • Build and foster relationships with keystakeholders

  • Perform operational and administrative tasks associated with the mortgage process

  • Prioritize daily workload and work to deadlines

  • Able to assist and attend meetings with IP Global sales consultants at all stages of the property sales cycle

  • Apply outsidethebox approaches to daily problem solving


    • Professional demeanor with excellent interpersonal skills to interface with external and internal clients

    • Strong influencing and negotiation skills

    • Good analytical skills

    • Time Management and the ability to multitask

    • Accuracy and attention to detail

    • Relationship Management

    • Ability to work as part of a team with innovative contributions

    • Enthusiastic positive outlook

    • Excellentnbsp communication skills

    • more...


      via http://uae.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-emirates/003240817.html

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