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29 سبتمبر 2013


An experienced Project HSE Manager is required to work on within the FMCG sector. The company is one of the largest in the Middles East with over 200 locations.

As the HSE Manager you will be responsible for all HSE matters related to the execution of all stages of a projects and manufacturing plants in compliance with the Companies HSE policies processes and procedures contract requirements and UK amp local HSE legislation.

The Project HSE Manager will be responsible for ensuring that all project sites are safe to work on and that all direct staff amp subcontract staff have the appropriate knowledge training etc. to allow them to carry out their activities in a safe manner.

You will also have a strong understanding of environmental issues as responsibility for ensuring that all project related Environmental issues are dealt with strictly in accordance with good industry practice and local legislation including disposal of waste materials. You will also have a strong understanding of Security safety.

As the HSE manager you will be able to demonstrate your understanding of development and implementation of safety procedures method statements risk assessments and other related legal HampS documents and you will be responsible for development of site safety plan amp monitoring the team to ensure these documents are completed and updated as required

Site HSE coordination subcontractors Managers with the company amp the Health amp Safety team and others associated with the works to ensure safety on site will fall under your remit so good communication skills are a must. you will report in to the General Manager of Operations amp you will manager 12 direct staff

You will have solid experience in audits and inspections to ensure compliance with site and company requirements and be able to maintain accurate contract HSE files for all correspondence and other related contractual documentation amp preparing reports.

The ideal candidate will come from a contracting background and have a minimum of 15 years solid HSE Experience with at least 5 years in the Middle East amp Experience in large infrastructure projects within the Middle East is a must.

Candidates already based in the Middle East will be highly sought after.

You will hold



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via http://saudi.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-saudi/003294633.html

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