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12 سبتمبر 2013

High Voltage Engineers and On Site Trainers required in Saudi Arabia

. High Voltage Engineers and On Site Trainers required in Saudi Arabia Chase Resourcing Europe's leading Education Recruitment Experts are delighted to announce new positions in one of Saudi Arabia's Premier third level Training institution.Our Clients require the services of qualified High Voltage Electrical Technical professionals who havwe strong electrical supply sector experience that includes current hands on industry experience as well as experience in training electric supply industry workers.Contracts are 1 year renewable by mutual agreement and offer a superb TAX FREE salary.RequirementsQualification in Electrical Power Engineering or an equivalent relevant qualificationDegree in a Mechanical Engineering Electronic Engineering or equivalent relevant qualification Highly desired5 years' Teaching experience in a HV settingEnglish must be Native LanguagePackage on OfferSuperb tax free salary dependent on qualifications and experienceFree furnished accommodation in a western compound provided or Accommodation allowance providedLocal Transport provided or Local Transport allowancePrivate Medical insuranceFantastic locations and working conditionsFree flights to and from Saudi ArabiaIf these superb positions are of interest to you I urgently need to speak with you now. Please forward on a full copy more...


via http://saudi.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-saudi/teaching/003261388.html

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