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Custom Search

3 سبتمبر 2013

Group Compliance Officer

Job Purpose

To assist participate in devising an internal control framework to address external compliance and regulatory risk for which BOD has provided a mandate to Group Finance Function

Key Responsibilities

•Tax Zakat Planning – Identification of areas of potential zakat tax savings in all of the Group entities

•Timely submission of AZAQ’s Zakat return Withholding tax returns Contract Information Filing and followingup on Zakat Certificate. Facilitation support in these areas to other Group entities as well

•Coordination with tax advisors in responding to all ZakatTax related queries relating to AZAQ and follow up of Zakat assessments. Facilitation support in these areas to other Group entities as well

•Coordination with tax consultants for registration of new companies with DZIT and update changes made in existing files with the DZIT

•Ensuring MOCI regulations relating to Arabic records are complied with across all Group companies. Assisting Group entities in preparing for external audit of Arabic records and obtaining certifications in this regard

•Insurance planning Ensure all assets of the Group are adequately insured at best possible premium and obtain ratesquotes in this regard

•Ensure consistency and reasonability of insurance policies across all Group entities at the time of renewal

•Timely communication of change in insurance values to insurance advisors.Facilitation support in this area to other Group entities

•Advise finance personnel of Group entities for timely processing of all outstanding premiums and maintain summary of insurance invoices for the group entities

•Facilitation support in timely communication of insurance claims to insurance advisors andresolution of issues if any in this regard

•Prepare intercompany cost sharing agreements and ensure strict compliance of all regulations under the said agreements

•Maintenance of complete and updated information relating to Certificate of Registration CR of all Group entities

•Maintenance of updated Articles of Association AOA along with all amendments relating to all Group entities

•Oversee the process of records archiving across all Group entities in line with Group policies and external regulatory requirements

•Ensure compliance with all directives and policies issued at Group leveland continued support on all compliance and regulatory aspects of Group entities.

Key Relationships

•Group Treasury Head Office Accounting and Group Reporting Team

•Finance Managers of all Group entities

•Tax advisors

•Department of Zakat and Taxation DZIT

•Group HR and Administration Team

•Other AZAQ functions including AZAQ Internal Audit


Bachelors in Accounting Finance is essential

Professional accounting qualification i.e. ACCA CA CMA CPA is desirable


Skills and Knowledge

Understanding of Zakat Tax LawsEssential

Planning Analytical skills Essential

Understanding of IFRSLocal GAAPEssential

Advanced Spread sheet Skills Desirable


English essential and Arabic essential

Specific Experience

At least 23 years of Saudi Zakat Tax compliance experience in one of the Big Four Professional Firms or Corporate Office of MNC

This job is posted in the following Specialties

Tax Tax Law Compliance


Bachelors in Accounting Finance is essential

via http://saudi.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-saudi/dammam/003243540.html

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