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3 سبتمبر 2013

Geoscience Specialist Geosteering Geologist

Geoscience Specialist Geosteering Geologist Employer Extractive Search Ltd Updated Sep 3 2013 Desired Expertise Geologist MWDLWD Wireline Operator Geosteering Specialist Experience 7 years Minimum Education Bachelors35 yr Degree Salary Daily Rate 500 usd net of tax comprehensive expatriate package. Location Saudi Arabia Employment Type Full Time Contractor Job Status Active Open Job posting bookmarked! Job Description

IMG Extractive Search has been selected by an established international consulting office specialising in Geophysical Geological Hydrogeological and Environmental services.

My client already a market leader throughout the Middle East is enjoying continued success driving them into a strong position to expand significantly in the coming years giving way to an exciting opportunity for a dynamic and motivated Geologist to join their exploration and production team.

Our client is seeking a Geosteering Specialist to serve as a technical expert for operations regarding GeoSteering horizontal well planning and it's applications. The position will consist of providing operational and technical support of the geosteering services as required.

Responsibilities Includes but not limited to

• Regional subsurface mapping.

• Interpretation of analyzed geological data.

• Assure that all deliverables and QA is supplied to the client.

• Performing prejob modeling and feasibility studies.

• GeoSteering operations during the drilling phase endofwell analysis

• Ensure proper placement of the borehole within the client's specifications.

• Oversee the onsite operations during the execution phase.

• Provide technical expertise for the planning execution and postwell analysis of horizontal wells where geosteering

services are being utilized or have the potential to be implemented.

• Monitor realtime data provide realtime interpretation and execute directional decisions to ensure proper placement of

the borehole within a specific target.

• Such other services as the client may require relating to geosteering and geological analysis including but not

limited to development of related computer programs.

Working schedule 7 days on 3 days off.

Essential Skills Requirements

• B.S. degree in Engineering Physics or Geology Geosciences.

• 5 years of relevant professional experience with an oil company or well logging service company.

• 2 years experience as a LWD engineer Wireline Engineer or Log Analysis

• Excellent oral and written communication skills including presentations skills and English language fluency.

• Understanding of geophysics geology petrophysics LWD and directional drilling.

• Broad knowledge of LWD and Wireline logging technologies and applications.

• Good understanding of drilling operations.

• Experience with realtime operations.

Preferred Qualifications.

• M.S. degree or higher in Geology Geophysics Petrophysics or Petroleum engineering.

• Experience with LWD or Wireline borehole image interpretation.

• Extensive GeoSteering experience.

• Solid knowledge in LWDWL sensor physics particleformation interactions and petroleum geology.

• HPHT wells

• Advanced knowledge in formation evaluation and petrophysics


• Daily rate 500 usd net of tax.

• Accommodation.

• Company car.

• Monthly gasoline allowance for those who will work in office.

• Medical insurance.

via http://saudi.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-saudi/003243510.html

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