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5 سبتمبر 2013

General ManagerPipeline Projects Division

The ideal candidate shall occupy this position in the company to head the overall administration of industrial piping plant construction activities covering contractual scope of work and oversees areas as budgeting maintenance storage supply safety regulations and negotiations.

Duties amp Responsibilities

1General Manager plant piping is responsible for the operation and construction for industrial piping plant division in a manner that promotes maximum productivity and efficiency of employees and company assets.

2General Manager plant piping should have strong understanding of how each construction production process works and be ready to implement changes if necessary.

3Plans and directs the activities of personnel and assets to ensure maximum utilization.

4Ensures pipeline plant construction complies with all company’s policies and procedures.

5They need to ensure the company construction progress production goals are meet and the piping plant project is complete in profitable and safe.

Daily Duties

1General Manager pipeline division evaluates the facility operating processes and procedures to ensure optimal efficiency.

2They often determine the sequence of piping plant construction process and implement process to measure quality control. They decide what equipment is used and whether new equipment is needed and additional personnel or man hour are needed to meet the construction production progress

via http://saudi.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-saudi/003247792.html

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