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12 سبتمبر 2013

General Events Supervisor


To revolutionise the quality of match day entertainment and produce high quality special events

Key Activities

•Create and implement a plan to significantly raise minimum standards of match day entertainment at all clubs

•Ensure ‘standard’ match day experience includes elements such as music fan information refreshments fan participation VIP hospitality etc such that a QSL match becomes about more than just 90 minutes of football

•Collaborate with all clubs to achieve economies of scale develop new match day entertainment initiatives and share learnings

•Constantly monitor the quality of the customer experience at each club and recommend improvements where required

•Ensure fanfacing staff engage with them in a friendly and professional way increasing the possibility of their return

•Select and effectively manage all external suppliers

•Manage the budget

•Create a calendar of ‘special’ match day events when major effort is put into creating a memorable match event in order to reach out to nonfans or occasional fans

•Work with external agencies to deliver highquality events to the brief of the senior marketing team

•Work with the entire Commercial division to ensure maximum attendance at these events

•Work with the Head of Events Hospitality to create a strategy to enhance the current QSL match hospitality with a more varied higherquality offer

•Initiate and maintain dialogue with known restaurants hotels and outside catering firms to create oneoff or recurring hospitality offers that will attract far higher numbers to enjoy QSL hospitality

•Liaise with the Commercial division to conclude on the matches at which the enhanced hospitality should be available and to ensure maximum numbers attend


•Sports based events experience an advantage

•Diploma or higher

•Fluent in English

•Ability to execute plans effectively as directed

•Ability to learn new tasks quickly

•Team player

•Planning and organisational skills

•Ability to work to deadlines and to set targets

via http://qatar.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-qatar/doha/003261358.html

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