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14 سبتمبر 2013

Data Engineer Schlumberger


The Data Engineer is the key Schlumberger Geoservices drilling representative onsite providing daily reports on drilling operations to the customer. The Data Engineer is responsible for ensuring the process flow of the entire drilling operation. Data Engineers need high levels of initiative adaptability to a variety of working environments and to be strong performers within a team. Data Engineer roles exist in a variety of locations and on premium rigs worldwide.

Schlumberger provide unique career opportunities in Mud Logging. By acquiring knowledge in specific services such as pore pressure advanced data interpretation and fluid analysis Data Engineers have the opportunity to progress in other Schlumberger activities worldwide such as Drilling and Measurements Drill Bits or Mud Engineering. To ensure longterm advancement Schlumberger offer careerlong industryleading training programs for both technical and personal development.


  • Ensure key services are delivered to standard pore pressure advanced data interpretation and fluid analysis.

  • Provide key interface to customer.

  • Manage the Mud Loggers and Sample Catchers.

  • Ensure sensor and data acquisition equipment is maintained to standard.

  • Ensure efficient performance of the mobile laboratory unit on site.

  • Attend regular training programs for mud logging.


    • Bachelor or Master Degree in Engineering Geosciences GeoChemistry Petroleum Geology or equivalent.

    • Working knowledge of well site operations and a good understanding of the drilling process.

    • At least three years experience as a Data Engineer.

    • Excellent analytical skills and computer literacy.

    • Customer service skills business development or sales exposure will be an asset.

    • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.

    • Fluent English any additional language will be a plus.

      Status Staff Minimum Experience 0 years Location Various INTERNATIONAL nbsp Advert Published 14 Sep 2013 more...


      via http://qatar.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-qatar/engineer/003264422.html

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