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11 سبتمبر 2013

Constrction Director Hospitals Saudi Arabia

. Construction Director Hospitals Saudi Arabia

Our client is a large international building contractor with an impressive portfolio of high profile and high value building infrastructure projects throughout the Middle East. They are a multinational group and have had a presence in the Middle East for some years now and they continue to pick up more and more prestigious projects. They are specifically in need of a Construction Director to join them in Saudi Arabia on a high profile hospitals projects valued at circa US 500m. You will report to the Project Director and your experience will include large scale construction projects overseas circa US 500m to 1 Billion in the capacity of Project Director or Construction Director. Prerequisites for the position include Experience in highly value high profile international building projects Degree holder Experience working in the Gulf regions Willingness to work in Saudi Arabia Ideally some Hospitals experience Our client is keen to interview imminently. This is an excellent opportunity to get involved in a very prestigious project in a growing hub of construction. Salaries are tax free and are competitive you will receive a full package which will include Ac more...


via http://saudi.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-saudi/it/003259302.html

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