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11 سبتمبر 2013

Associate Associate Director Mechanical

. Associate Associate Director Mechanical One of the most highly regarded engineering consultancies in the world is urgently seeking a high calibre chartered mechanical building services engineer to lead their Mechanical Engineering team in Dubai. The company concerned are well known across the globe for delivering some of the most innovative engineering and MEP Building Services projects and are a dominant force within the UAE having been established for over 15 years. Due to a number of recent project awards in Dubai and Doha my client is urgently looking for a high calibre Associate Associate Director level mechanical building services engineer to lead the mechanical team within their Dubai office. There is a lot of scope for growth with this position as the current head of building services is set to retire within the next 35 years so a succession plan will be in place for the successful candidate to eventually lead the MEP discipline for this consultancy across the UAE.It is essential that you posses a Degree in mechanical engineering plus 15 years of working experience.Chartered engineer status Extensive background within large engineering consultancies delivering major complex MEP projects and a thorough understanding of building design issues.Knowledge of BREEAMLEEDEstidama or QSAS is a distinct advantage but not essential.Knowledge of local codes and standards and liaising with local authorities.Salary for the role is in the region of 4550k AED per month more...


via http://uae.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-emirates/003259205.html

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