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1 سبتمبر 2013

Agriculture Farm Manager

About the Job

  • Responsible for preparing the production plan for the farm

  • Preparing the farm budget and managing costs accordingly

  • follow up on the implementation of the production plan

  • coordinating and monitoring the experts visits according to the visits schedule

  • Handling all the administrative work and facilitate the farm needs related to operations

  • Managing all internal and external audits and monitor results

  • Keywords farm manager

    Company Profile

    Modern Agriculture Company PICO a leading Egyptian family owned Shareholding Company successfully working in developing agri projects for over 30 years to produce premium quality fruits and vegetables and exporting its products worldwide with all the highend retailers in the UK and EU included.

    Formed under law 159 in 1996 the company began with approximately 1000 acres of land and is continuously experiencing growth. Today PICO owns and farms a total of 7000 acres of land. Of these it has four major farms three on virgin reclaimed lands and one in the Delta region.

    PICO is a market leader and trendsetter amongst leading agricultural organizations in the region introducing new agricultural techniques and new varieties as well as uptodate management systems.

    PICO's international standards meet the highest specifications of U.K. and European supermarkets who confirm their satisfaction through regular programs and visits. Production and management practices are continuously improved and upgraded to give optimum yield and timing to match the customers' needs in the ever changing global markets.

    Product quality is ensured by our commitment and personal attention beginning as early as land preparations and continuing all the way to planning and harvesting. After post harvest operations logistics ensure optimal safe deliveries to fulfill program obligations to the retail shelves on time.

    via وظائف مبيعات و تسويق http://egypt.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-egypt/cairo-behera/003238651.html

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