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Custom Search

30 مايو 2014

Quality Improvement Assistant Executive Director

Quality Improvement Assistant Executive Director Grade 115 HMC

Global Medical Recruiting seeking international Medical Staff on behalf of Hamad Medical Corporation HMC. HMC is an international healthcare system which delivers a comprehensive range of acute healthcare services to the population of Qatar. HMC is large and complex currently employing 16000 clinical staff across eight hospitals accredited by the Joint Commission International JCI. Candidates with qualifications obtained in WESTERN countries such as UK Australia NZ South Africa Canada and USA ARAB countries and EUROPEAN countries are invited to apply.

Job Specifications


The Assistant Executive Director Quality Improvement in conjunction with Executive Director is responsible for planning coordinating and facilitating Quality Improvement programs and across Corporate HMC and Healthcare entities.


Identifies plans facilitates and monitors continuous quality improvement initiatives in decentralized HMC entities and ensures alignment with HMC quality strategy.

Plans and oversees the education and quality methodology training to administrative leadership in each of the clinical and corporate departments in areas related to Quality improvement.

Identifies plans implements and monitors continuous quality improvement initiatives in all HMC Healthcare entities.

Facilitates Hospital QI Managers and supervises their work on a regular basis.

Manages the design assessment and measurement of important processes and outcomes that may affect the delivery of quality patient care corporate and hospital operational processes and strategic initiatives.

Evaluates corporate hospital and departmental needs for quality training data collection and analysis and allocate resources to hospitaldepartments.

Oversight responsibility for all regulatory body surveys such as JCI in coordination with the Regulatory and Accreditation unit.

Supports and participates in corporate and hospital quality and patient safety committees.

Ensures the use of appropriate monitoring activities data collection techniques quality methodologies and statistical tools.

Stays abreast of and applies knowledge of applicable laws and regulations and accreditation standard.

Performs other duties as required by the Executive Director of the department.


Integrated knowledge and understanding of Hospital Quality Management and improvement concepts practices systems and procedures.

Advanced statistical analysis experimental design system analysis and process management.

Ability to supervise and train employees including organizing prioritizingand scheduling work assignments.

Strategic program planning and leadership skills.

Strong interpersonal communication mediation and negotiation skills and he ability to work effectively with a wide range of constituencies in a diverse community.

Ability to foster a cooperative work environment.


Ability to organize prioritize and implement creative solutions for complex problems and demanding tasks.

Ability to make administrativeprocedural decisions and judgments.

Ability to execute the job responsibilities independently.

Strategic decision making and development of strategic guideline.

Leadership negotiation and mediation skills with an ability to influence decision makers.

Hires manages and evaluates employees.

Note On acceptance of an offer of employment from the hospital you will be required to pass Prometric Examination Of Supreme Council of Health at your own cost 200 USD.

How nbspGLOBAL MEDICAL RECRUITING GMR will assist you in your search for a new job opportunity abroad?

In answer to a question regularly asked You the applicant will not be liable to pay any recruitment fees to us we are paid by our clients the hospitals.

Established in 2007 and now leaders in placement of qualified and experienced international medical staff at Middle Eastern hospitals Qatar UAE SaudiArabia Kuwait etc and now also Russia and Nigeria. nbsp

Global Medical Recruiting nbspexperience recruitment personnel will assist you with the following

1. Creating an International Standard CV.

2. Submitting your CV to several hospitals at once in countries of your choice.

3. Liaise between yourself and the hiring hospitals for feedback on CV submitted.

4. Arrange for Telephonic SKYPE in person interviews.

5. Send the Offer of employment to you with relevant information regarding the offer employer country etc.

6. Assist you with acceptance of the offer and submission of all relevant documentation.Note On acceptance of a offer of employment you need to budget for the following expenses Police clearance certificate Medicalblood test Authentication fees and Credentialing fees. The aforementioned is paid directly to the relevant supplier of the service for ex medicalblood test fees will be paid to the relevant physicianmedical practice you chose and used and NOT to Global Medical Recruiting. Requirements regarding the aforementioned documentation differs from hospital to hospital and between countries

7. Assist you with Verification Credentialing Clinical Staff and all recruitment requirements.

8. Liaise with the employer regarding issuing of your entry visa into the country.

9. Advise you on when it is safe to resign.

10. Book your flight and meet amp greet at the airport.

11. Be in contact with your after you start at your new employer and assist with any problems further requirements

via http://ift.tt/1jAAY0B

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