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Custom Search

30 مايو 2014

ICT Engineer

Job descriptionJob PurposeFacilitate and provide IT support to all Administrative and Educational staff. Facilitate the use of systemsapplications Intranet and Internet to all users and insures best practices. Job ScopeProvide IT support to all Administrative and Educational staff. Internal External InteractionsFaculty Administrators IT Director GEMS IT department.Employees of the school and corporate offices.Key Accountabilities§ Embrace and encourage the ethos and standards of excellence as defined in the GEMS Core Values.§ Install configure and maintain servers PC’s peripherals IT toolsequipment packaged software antivirus utilities software tools and software patches.§ Install administer and upgrade the computer network infrastructure.§ Ensure all new equipment is functional before it is distributed.§ Troubleshoot problems arising from hardware software application systems network infrastructure virus and security related attacks.§ Set up equipment in offices classrooms and labs. Along with setting up accounts and profiles for all users.§ Respond to emergency call to classrooms for equipment software and network problems and provide technical support for software projects at school.§ Assign priorities to problems reported based on the severity and communicate with the concerned parties GEMSIT vendors suppliers etc..§ Communicate with users in assessing their ongoing needs recommend best practices effective solutions and implement to produce desired results.§ Set up and ensure compliance of procedures related to daily backup and other periodic routines – Software patches data transfersinterchange port import export and restoration from backups when required.§ Maintain records of and manages site licenses for software purchased. Notifies GEMSIT when upgrades renewals are required.§ Maintain current inventory of hardware software and passwords§ Coordinate and interact with GEMSIT for all school matters related to IT policy systems integration and networking group wide IT infrastructure purchases upgrades warranty condemnation and replacements new technology and requirements technology plan and budget.§ Ensure the GEMS policies procedures and codes of conduct are followed at all times.§ Initiate effort and energy beyond the typical work day where the tasks require additional commitment.§ Attendstaff meetings and serve on committees as required.§ Perform other duties as requested by direct dotted reporting line managers supervisors.Person SpecificationsQualifications knowledgeDegree in Computer Science SkillsExcellent communication skills attention to details and effective problem solving technical skills. Ability to multi task and cope with a degree of pressure at peak times. ExperienceA minimum of five 5 years’ hands on experience in maintaining ICT Infrastructure Severs Data Voice cabling Data Switches Wireless Access Points Access point Controllers Routers Firewall Internet Lines PC’s Laptops Tablets PC’s Printers Peripherals Multimedia Projectors Interactive Whiteboards Robotics Video Conferencing Systems Digital Signage AV Equipment etc. Microsoft Server Operating Systems Server Security and Server based applications includeWi more...


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