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Custom Search

9 ديسمبر 2013

B737NGB747B757B767 FOs want to fly B777?!?!

Job Description

Sigma Aviation Services are delighted to announce new IMPROVED package on offer from our client Saudia for an excellent B777 First Officer contract in Jeddah. This is a direct placement with the airline for 3 year renewable contract.

NON B777 RATED FIRST OFFICERS MAY APPLY provided you have 2500 hours on B737NG B747 B757 B767 see details below

Flights and accommodation provided by the Airline for assessment

Assessments taking place in Athens from 19th to 25th January one day attendance required

Fantastic Terms on Offer

  • 3 Year Renewable Contract based in Jeddah

  • Total Tax Free Monthly Salary Year 1 rates ranging from USD9900 up to USD14250 per month based on block hours flown

  • A broad range of allowances and bonuses including

    • Transport Allowance

    • Productivity Allowance

    • Overtime Allowance

    • Layover Allowance

    • Night Flying Allowance

    • 13th Month Salary Bonus

    • Productivity Bonus

    • Monthly Flying Bonus

    • 3 annual increase in basic salary

    • Length of service award

    • All Tax Free

      • Fully Furnished Apartment or Villa Accommodation provided in purpose built development with all utilities included and swimming pools tennis courts etc.

      • Monthly rostering done on bidding system but all lines include 5 consecutive days off and total days off of not less than 9 per month. 30 days annual leave per annum plus a host of other leave entitlements.

      • Excellent travel benefits and discounts provided including 1 inclusion on Gen Dec each month to exit the country for 5 consecutive days of rostered days off with no exitentry visas required

      • Insurances and Benefits Including

        • Personal accident insurance

        • Life assurance

        • Loss of Licence insurance

        • Relocation assistance excess baggage

        • Free Medical Care

        • Education Fee Subsidy

          Minimum Requirements

          • All licence types and nationalities accepted

          • Minimum ICAO Level 4 English proficiency

          • Recency on type within the last 6 months

          • 2500 hours on Boeing Aircraft

          • Time on turboprops light jets military aircraft sim instructional hrs CANNOT be included to make up the required 2500 hours

          • Maximum age of 53 at time of application

          • Preference given to current B777 First Officers

            If you meet all of the above minimum requirements and would be interested in this role please send your CV to Ms Amy Wise on email ID awisesigmaaviationservices.com ASAP for immediate processing.

            NOTE a very fair and generous bonding scheme will apply for nonB777rated First Officers successfully hired

            On joining Saudia will retain 25 of your Base Salary until a total of SR100000 c. USD26600 is accrued. During the first year of service the 13th month's salary prorated and a service increase will be paid but will have the same percentage deductions. Flying pay and layover expenses will be paid in full. Upon completion of two years' service starting from the date you are released to the line the airline will refund all the monies retained and give the employee a bonus of SR10000 c. USD2660 If prior to the completion of this two year period the employee shoul more...


            via http://saudi.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-saudi/003447778.html

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