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27 فبراير 2017

Business Process Re engineering Consultants for Bahrain

VAM Systems is a Business Consulting, IT Solutions and Services company with operations in UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, USA, Australia, Singapore & India. VAM Systems is currently looking for Business Process Re engineering Consultants for our Bahrain operations with the following skill set and terms and conditions: Skill set required: Bachelor's degree in business administration, management, or related field preferred Five or more years of organizational change consulting experience Experience working with business re-engineering processes and the technology industry Experience working with business processing models, Process Design, Requirements Management, and Project Management Experience working with re engineering tools, methods, and techniques Good analytical and problem solving skills Good communication skills Good interpersonal skills to communicate with entities Ability to work independently and as part of a team Proficiency in English and Arabic Knowledge in Oracle Applications (preferable) Essential knowledge in Financial and Accounting (Preferable) Proficiency in Microsoft office version 2013 and higher Responsibilities: Responsible for simplifying and streamlining the business processes in various Organizations in the Government of Bahrain and to report to the Director, Project Manager, and assigned Project Execution Team as directed by Director. The BPR needs to be conducted in the Ministries and Organizations where the CFS modules are planned to be implemented, particularly in the procurement and revenue business area. The Business Process Reengineering Consultants responsibilities will include, but not limited to, the following:   Meet with subject matter experts within the organization to gather process information Analyze and document organizational processes Design and document new processes and obtain organizational feedback Communicate process flows to staff Conduct any training needed to implement “To-Be” processes Conduct a workload and skills analysis of the workforce Identify key performance indicators to measure improvements in productivity Conduct best practice research and benchmarking Develop a transition plan to transition to the “To-Be” environment Perform cost and benefit analyses Establish and maintain standards, policies and procedures. Deliverables: As is process Key metrics on current process – cost, time, quality High level To-Be process Identify technology options to satisfy re-designed processes Suggest modifications to policies manual Terms and conditions: Joining time frame:  1 month The selected candidates shall join VAM Systems – Bahrain and shall be deputed to one leading Organizations in Bahrain. Should you be interested in this opportunity, please send your latest resume in MS Word format at the earliest at ambili.krishnan@vamsystems.com or call us + 91 476 2681150.

via JOBS-EG http://ift.tt/2l2oo7G

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