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Custom Search

30 ديسمبر 2016

Technical Support

Technical Support Specialist Company Name • Contractor: Information Technology Integrated Systems (ITIS) • Outsourcing: Manufacturing Company Job Title Technical Support Specialist Job Field Technical Support & System Administration Job Type Full Time Experience 1 : 2 years Job Location 6th of October, Giza Age Not determined Gender Male Working Hours 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM Language Skills • Very good English (speaking & Writing) • Preferred fluent Education B.Sc. degree in: • Computer Engineering • Computer Science • Any equivalent B.Sc. degree Major Information Systems – Computer Engineering Offered Salary: Negotiable Skills & Qualifications: Strong Experience in: • Windows, network and printers troubleshooting • Dell laptops & desktops • Microsoft Windows 7 and Up • Microsoft Office 2010, Office 365 • Network Printers and Multifunctional • Label Printers (Zebra and Seiko) Scanners • Service-Now Ticket system Basic Experience in: • Microsoft Active Directory • Microsoft SharePoint • Wireless Access points • LAN and WAN devices Job Description Configuration, Administration, Troubleshooting & Technical support for the existing Hardware & Software Preferred to have • Must possess a customer-focused manner and be results oriented. • Should be able to work methodical and able to analyze and troubleshoot issues. • Take ownership of problems and their resolutions. • Good communicator with excellent customer service skills • Must be self-motivated, manage time effectively and work with minimal supervision. • Ability to handle multiple assignments in a fast-paced environment. • Report on time and project tasks and status updates in a timely fashion. • 6th of October City, Giza and nearby areas residents are preferred Contact Information Please send your CV to: Career@itis.com.eg, with the title (Technical Support) in the subject.

via JOBS-EG http://ift.tt/2hBdfqW

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