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27 نوفمبر 2016

For Class A Classified Contracting Company Electricity Engineers - Electricity technicians

Required immediately to Saudi Arabia For Class A Classified Contracting Company the following disciplines: 1. Electricity Engineers: (Code: EL01) Required to have previous experience of the Saudi Electricity Company - Experience standard contract work - experience in the high-voltage projects (antenna - Ground) and low voltage - Age not more than 30 years - holds a driving license. 2. Electricity technicians: (Code: EL02) Required to have previous experience of the Saudi Electricity Company - Experience standard contract work - experience in the high-voltage projects (antenna - Ground) and low voltage- Age not more than 30 years - holds a driving license. Important Notes : 1. You must fulfill the conditions described above. 2. For the technicians must obtain a qualified degree 3. the job code must be written in the mail address 4. Please send your CV speed to be contacted to arrange interviews with the employer Interviews will be conducted at the headquarters of our company (Oscar company for employment abroad) on Wednesday 30/11/2016 For inquiries : 01227021282 OSCAR.CO370@GMAIL.COM Address: 37 Batal Ahmed Abdel Aziz Street in front of Umm Hassan Restaurant - second floor - Apartment 9 - engineers - Giza.

via JOBS-EG http://ift.tt/2gvegh3

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