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11 أبريل 2016

In School Suspension

In School Suspension teacher is for the purpose of overseeing students assigned to in school suspension.. Also the teacher can assist in various building activities as assigned. Main responsibilities: -Responsible for the ISS program -Reporting to: Secondary principal and school director -Other interactions: Students, parents, staff -Number required: 1 -Duration: Academic year -Desired start date: As soon as possible -Probation: 3 months -Working Hours: Day time ( 8 Hours ) from Sunday - Thursday. -CV with Recent Photo More Description For ISS Responsibilities:- Assists in implementing behavior and academic plans as defined by the teacher(s), administrator and/or counselor for the purpose of developing and/or improving students basic social, academic and interpersonal skills. Assists students in the completion of assigned class work for the purpose of providing ongoing support in the accurate completion of student assignments. Monitors students during assigned periods and/or activities for the purpose of ensuring the safety and welfare of students. Performs various record keeping and clerical functions (e.g. student ISS report, attendance logs, student activity documentation, etc.) for the purpose of meeting mandated requirements. Provides verbal and/or written feedback concerning student performance and/or behavior for the purpose of informing teacher/s and/or school administrators of students progress. Responds to inquiries from a variety of sources (e.g. students, teachers, administrators, and/or parents) for the purpose of solving problems, providing information and/or directing to other sources.

via JOBS-EG http://ift.tt/1Qv7stR

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