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28 ديسمبر 2015

IOS Senior Software Engineer

IOS Senior Software Engineer Our Client is international industry leader in content and entertainment services for global Telecom Operators, As a leading supplier for Value Added Services focusing on digital entertainment solutions for operators all over the world, "turnkey solutions" ,fully convergent digital entertainment from a single, scalable platform encased in an all-in-one solution. offer you an attractive career opportunity with international colleagues. Our modern, open workplace design promotes transparency, interdisciplinary teamwork and a high level of internal communication. Join a leading team! Job Location: Cairo, Egypt RESPONSIBILITIES: an active member of a strong technical team, working closely with them to ensure proper delivery of system features Participate in designing of solutions using our products Participate in development of new products and maintaining the existing solutions Help other team members with technical problems and decisions. Active involvement in the continuous improvement of our processes, methods and tools Proactive knowledge transfer Skills: BS in Engineering or Computer Science, or equivalent 3+ Years of experience in software development Strong experience in designing, developing, testing and delivering mobile applications for iOS Strong programming skills with Native development environments for iOS (Objective-C) Experience in Storyboarding, Custom UI Experience designing Committed to deliver quality software solutions using Agile software development cycle Experience in streaming applications is a plus Good English communication skills The candidate should be able to reference Apps they have done in the App Store Please submit your CV with photo to hr(@)masterhr.com Subject: IOS Senior Software Engineer

via JOBS-EG http://ift.tt/1NKHjsI

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