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11 أغسطس 2015

HR Assistant

Title: HR Assistant Function and Main Responsibilities: • Prepare & maintain employment records related to events such as hiring, termination, leaves, transfers, or promotions. Must keep employee’s records & documents up-to-date. • Prepare the monthly social insurance records and ensure compliance with the legal requirements. • Own the recruitment process; screening applications, doing phone interviews, setting face to face interviews. • Arrange and coordinate training schedule and material. • Acquire product training from clients & cascade to our telesales teams. • Engaged with operations & management team to acquire updated immediately. • Prepare presentations for internal & external use for management & clients. • Ability to act as Personal Assistant to CEO. Experience: • Minimum 1+ year of HR experience with excellent English language. • Very strong communication and negotiation skills. • Strong Interpersonal and leadership skills and should be comfortable working in very dynamic and collaborative work environment. • Good numeric and analytical skills. • Presentation skills, persuading & influencing. • A Bachelor’s degree in a relevant discipline. Skills / Work environment: • Well organized in order to manage time, develop plans, organize schedule, and to do reports. • Good awareness of market updates and capability of self-developing to stay up to date with new trends. • Working location: Heliopolis & New Cairo. • Working days: 5 days/week • Working hours: 8.5 hours/day with flexibility to meet business needs. • Visits to partners locations. How to apply? Send your resume to jobs@upselleg.com & state your recent salary package.

via JOBS-EG http://ift.tt/1WeImFG

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