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Custom Search

16 أبريل 2015

Service Supervisor x2 Trading Enterprises

About the Position

We are currently looking for an experienced Service Supervisor to control and guide the repair and maintenance activities in the workshop and to achieve or exceed the targeted business and CSI objectives.

Reporting to the Service Manager you will be responsible for workshop capacity planning loading optimizing productivity controlling productive time and allocation and controlling of consumable costs. You also need to ensure timely completions of job allocated and constantly update Service Advisors on job progress.

You will also take charge of incentive calculations reviewing and approving warranty jobs completing service orders and ensuring high quality control of jobs undertaken. You are also expected to monitor the Technician performance and provide necessary training and coaching.

About You

The ideal candidate for this role should possess a Degree or Diploma preferably in Automobile or Mechanical Engineering and should have at least a minimum of 5 years recent experience in an automotive dealership. You should have sound technical knowledge and ideally have a supervisory experience in automotive dealership. You should also be able to communicate effectively with strong analytical communication and interpersonal skills with administrative competence

via http://ift.tt/1EPexEj

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