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31 مارس 2015

Production Manager for shop and stands

Build AutoCAD’s Files Create the Breakdowns for the stand create the workshop drawings for carpentry and welders Build the AutoCAD’s Files for CNC machines Estimate the material Request for the stand and Build the electrical planes and installation drawings.

plan a production schedule for the job implement and control the production schedule review

and adjust the schedule where needed determine the human resources required determine the material resources required manage human and material resources to meet production targets make decisions about equipment use maintenance modification and procurement set product quality standards monitor quality standards of products determine and implement improvements to the production process implement cost control programs

plan a production schedule for the job implement and control the production schedule review

and adjust the schedule where needed determine the human resources required determine the material resources required manage human and material resources to meet production targets make decisions about equipment use maintenance modification and procurement set product quality standards monitor quality standards of products determine and implement improvements to the production process implement cost control programs

Manage projects independently Overall for entire project including efficient and smooth running of site works Overall responsibility for meeting project progress in accordance to

deadlines Resolve design site problems encountered during the construction period Work closely with Architects Designers Client and site team Involved in tender process costing

via http://ift.tt/1Iizq9x

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