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30 نوفمبر 2014

Networkwide Facilities and Retail Senior Manager

Job Purpose

To ensure the Service Delivery Organisation provide successful management of their programmes to meet its obligations by delivering facilities organisation and retail space leasing initiatives and outcomes. The job holder will ensure a proper facilities end retail spacing organisation and implementation undertaken within the department.

Duties amp Responsibilities

Responsible for the network wide facilities and retail space leasing and management within the service delivery organisation. The main responsibilities are as follows

•Manages and control the network wide facilities and retail spacing initiatives including the work by the department consultants and contractors.

•Provide accurate and timely information on all aspects of the facilities and retail management organisation and implementation.

•Develops and maintain a strategy and dependencies on the facilities and retail management.

•Maintain tight control of the retail and facilities management e.g. requiring daily reports

•Delivers frequent reports ensuring accurate information and timely analysis.

•Prepares adhoc reports that include updates of the status of the facilities and retail organisation and implementation.

•Manages the change management.

•Provides input for payment and final account processes for the department including consultant and contractors.

•Prepares strategies for upgrading and disposing of facilities costeffectively

•Develops a prioritization scheme of facilities and retail spacing to optimize the budget

•Foster a working environment that promotes a facilities and retail learning culture consistent with Enterprise Business Function Program and Projects objectives and values including the training and development of staff.

•Manage the transition from construction to operation.

•Ensure the Facilities and Retail providers are complying with the contract.


Desired Profile

Hard Competencies


Degree in engineering or related discipline or demonstrable equivalent experience


•Experience of working in a Construction and Facilities Retail or rail environment.

•Minimum of 10 years hands on experience in facilities andor retail management.

•Can demonstrate experience in using Maximo Oracle SAP software to effectively manage control and communicate the facilitiesretail.

•Experience of building relationships with and influencing a range of people at all levels within and outside the organisation.

•Experience in the production of facilities reporting.

Professional Training

Maximo Oracle SAP software


•Extensive knowledge and understanding of facilities and retail management.

•Extensive knowledge and understanding of the development of CAPEX and OPEX estimates.

•Skilled in oral and written communication with demonstrated skill in conducting workshops and presenting facilityretail management to senior management.

•Demonstrated skill in identifying analysing and solving problems.

•Highly experienced in using Microsoft Office Software EXCEL WORD POWERPOINT MS PROJECT and VISIO.

Soft Competencies

•Accountable and naturally works well with the team to seek innovative solutions

•Ability to collaborate with end users and have a strong desire to excel

•Ability to build relationships with and influencing a range of people at all levels within and outside the organisation

•Ability to perform at a high level under pressure.

•Ability to interface and develop strong working relationships with the Service Delivery department QR project teams and stakeholders. Strong communicator.

•Ability to work independently. Committed and SelfMotivated.

•Proactive and focus in anticipating problems and timely identification of issues

•Concern for quality and attention to details.

•Effective organisational skills

via http://qatar.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-qatar/doha/it/004195382.html

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