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2 أكتوبر 2014

Teaching Assistant – Mass Communication

The Department of Mass Communication and Media is seeking to recruit one Teaching Assistant with general experience in the Mass Communication curriculum as well as specializations andor strong teaching experience skills in the following area

•Public RelationsAd.

•Radio and TV production

•Visual communication.


Summary of Responsibilities The TA is responsible for supporting MCM courses individual tutoring the holding of general tutorial sessions review presentations and for assisting in departmental tasks as assigned by the department’s head or by the Dean. This position involves assignments covering 35 hour a week within the period of 800 a.m. to 800 p.m. flex hours from Sunday to Thursday. Occasional proctoring duties may be required on Saturdays.

Under direct instruction of teaching staff and Department Head the TA is expected to do part or all of the following

•Assist the Faculty with their teaching duties including preparation of course materials mentoring students in need of help proctoring examinations etc.

•Assist with class presentations planning grading quizzes and preparing student evaluations

•Prepare and routinely maintain classroom materialsresourcesdisplays assist students in their use and displaying students’ work.

•Provide clerical and administrative support e.g. Photocopying typing filing etc.

•Encourage student interaction and engagement with Faculty led activities

•Support and supervise students in lessons in relation to learning strategies

•Be aware of student problems and achievements and report to faculty as appropriate.

•Undertake student record keeping under the faculty’s supervision.

•Provide mentorship and support for MCM student clubs.

•Comply with policies and procedures relating to student information confidentiality and data protection reporting any concerns to the appropriate person.

•Actively support the Department and University policies and ensure that all students have an equal access to opportunities to learn and develop.

•Contribute to the overall aims and targets of the Department and University appreciate and support the roles of other members of the Department and attend relevant meetings as required.

•Be aware of and take part in the University performance management framework and participate in training and development activities as required.

•Undertake any other similar duties as requested by Faculty members or Department Head.

•Provide individualized instruction during office hours

•Help in proctoring of examinations within the College.

•Provide feedback to the faculty on student academic weaknesses.

Review of applications will begin October 15 and continue until the position is filled.


•High proficiency in Arabic and English

•Advanced knowledge of Microsoft office

•Advanced knowledge of software and hardware specific to any of the three areas of the department’s emphases Public Relations Visual Communications RadioTV Broadcasting.


Bachelor degree in a related major with a GPA above 3.00 from an accredited university

via http://ift.tt/Zv1lmL

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