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Custom Search

24 نوفمبر 2013

Talent Acquisition Specialist Arabic

Dubai's biggest online classified website is looking for Talent Acquisition Specialist to add to our growing and talented team. Do you strive to be number one in everything you do? Do you love a challenge? Do you want to touch and change people's lives everyday? We have an immediate need for a dedicated professional to join our People Excellence department.

As a Talent Acquisition Specialist you will be involved mainly in recruitment process along other HR processes. You might be coming from the recruitment agency side but you surely have to have the right attitude to fit the awesome team that is fun friendly creative energetic young and hard working. We pride ourselves on being a site of international standards in a market full of local and regional expectations. You will be directly reporting to HR Manager MENA and among your responsibilities will be to

Design and deliver innovative sourcing strategies and solutions to meet business growth needs and generate diverse pools of applicants whilst closely controlling cost bases

Proactively search for identify network with and directly contact active and passive job seekers both internally and externally for hardtohire evergreen and specific vacancies sourcing the very best candidates using a variety of channels that are aligned to and effectively communicate the employer brand including

Online advertising and automated electronic candidate searches

Contacting potential candidates who have posted their information on the internet consistently generating leads from applicants over the phone or face to face

Searching the inhouse CV database creating hot lists keeping high quality declined candidates warm and on potential prospect lists

Networking at professional and trade events and careers fairs

Engaging and managing external relations with recruitment agencies where required

Continuously attract candidates to work for dubizzle by promoting the organization as an employer of choice in the market place partnering with internal and external stakeholders to drive both short and long term employer branding initiatives

Develop effective prescreening questions

Efficient end to end applicant management for each role timely review and short listing of applications

Conduct preliminary and strengths based interviews as required assessing candidates to ensure cultural fit for dubizzle long term potential and technical fit for roles set realistic role expectations

Advise hiring managers on which candidates to progress to the next stage ensuring the right recruitment decisions are made

Manage any rejections appropriately

Ensure preemployment checks

Develop innovative prejoining strategy

Work collaboratively and share knowledge with Talent Acquisition professionals in other countries.


Minimum 3 years experience from a recruitment agency or experience of in house recruitment

Excellent communication skills ability to deal with candidates and employees at all levels

Strong attention to detail and excellent interpersonal skills

Strong decision making and problem solving skills

Ability to multitask in fastpaced dynamic environment

Diplomacy amp Confidentiality

Analytical amp Diagnostic ability

Customer amp Result oriented

Resourceful amp Enthusiastic

Approachable Trustworthy amp Ethical

Fluent in English amp Arabic is a must.

If you live and breath quotHRquot you are curious love learning you are a great team player but able to work independently this is your chance to join us in our quest to provide People Excellence to dubizzlers.

Dubizzle believes in development of people and their career advancement. We offer interesting work experience and great working conditions combined with creative environment in a young multicultural team.

If you are excited about this opportunity please submit your CV in English.

Please note that only Arabic speaking candidates will be considered for the role.

وصف الشركة

online classifieds and community web portal

via http://uae.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-emirates/%d8%af%d8%a8%d9%8a/it/003413154.html

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