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28 نوفمبر 2013

Operator Trainer


Our client is an Oil and Gas Company located in Saudi Arabia. We are looking several operator trainers for 12 month renewable contracts starting in the New Year. Interviews will be happening in London in January.

Operator trainers will be teaching Job Skills related courses to Regular employeesapprentices and other categories of trainees in the Job Skills Programs. You will be responsible for providing classroomworkshop instruction to Saudi Arab employeesapprentices.

You do not need previous experience as a trainer. You should have at least 10 years experience as a qualified Supervising or Control board Operator for the Oil amp Gas Petrochemical industry Power plants industry and Desalination plants or BSc with minimum 4 yearsacirc128153 experience.

You should be experienced in one or more of the following Processes Distillationfractionation reactorcatalytic cryogenic hydro treating GOSP WIP utilities or tank farm operations. DCS experience preferred.

Total salary including allowances would be in range of USD more...


via http://saudi.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-saudi/teaching/003423495.html

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