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6 سبتمبر 2013

Staff Nurses

HCL Permanent are looking for talented and experienced Staff Nurses to work in one of the most internationally renowned hospitals in Saudi Arabia. They are one of the largest health organizations in the Kingdom providing modern medical care to National Guard employees amp their dependents as well as to Saudi Nationals with tertiary health problems.

Departments currently available

• Orthopaedic

• Paediatrics

• Intensive Care Unit

• Cardiac ICU

• Cardiology Clinic

• Operating Room

• Adult Oncology

• Paediatrics Oncology

• Emergency Room

The successful applicant must have the following

• Bachelors Degree or Diploma in Nursing

• 3 years of Nursing experience post licensure

• Current Nursing license from either the UK Canada USA or Australia

• Currently holds a passport from either UK Canada USA or Australia

• Education qualifications from Western Europe North America andor Australia. If not must have 912 months post grad certification from the listed countries

• Can commit to a minimum 1 year contract

• Must be able to commit to a single contract only

via http://saudi.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-saudi/nursing/003249150.html

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