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ابحث عن وظيفة في مجالك

Custom Search

7 سبتمبر 2013

Recruitment Manager


Working in partnership with the Head of Recruitment in KSA and KSA HR Team the Recruitment Manager will be responsible for the implementation of internal and external resourcing strategies and standards in KSA Egypt. Will provide an interface between talent demand and supply for the operation and central functions.

The position is based in Egypt and hiring for KSA Middle East companies including FMCG Agriculture Hotels

Scope of Role

Internal and external Sourcing Screening and Selection at 4D level and above for Operations and Support Functions.

Succession Planning

Resourcing Processes and Systems

Online Assessment

•Drive consistency in recruitment processes and support the operations and functions by developing and communicating recruitment and selection standards that adhere to legislation and support organisational objectives on diversity.

•Provide information on current and future vacancies based on business plan growthchanges identification of critical skills high risk roles and known turnover retirement etc.

•Develop online Talent Bank.

•Ensure senior management HR are aware of changes in talent pool.

•Develop relationships with external recruitment search and advertising suppliers.

•Coordinate regional efforts to work with selected further education colleges hotel and business schools etc planning and carrying out visits milkround etc. and providing internships

•Develop plans for Vacancy Management system to include online application

•Use erecruitment sources such as online and others Caterer etc. to post vacancies.

•Review recruitment administration systems to improve efficiency and candidate experience.

•Support efforts to create and maintain preferred employer status in the different market segment.

•Advise on use of open days and recruitment fairs and provide support and collateral to local hotels.

•Agree and maintain central resourcing budget.

•Provide regular updates on companies' recruitment spend.


•AIRS Professional Recruiter Certification.

•510 years recruitment experience.

•Qualified to administer and provide feedback for ability and or psychometric assessment tools

•Experienced interviewer up to senior management level.

•Project Management experience.

•Well developed analytic skills – able to work with and interpret data statistics and trends.

•Innovative – willing to find solutions and responses appropriate to the situation.

•Excellent planning and organisation skills.

•Flexible and comfortable with a changing organisational agenda.

•Enthusiastic and positive.

•Mobile able to travel within Middle East

This job is posted in the following Specialties

Recruitment Agriculture FMCG Hotels

via وظائف مبيعات و تسويق http://egypt.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-egypt/cairo/it/003250515.html

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