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Custom Search

1 أغسطس 2014

Sales Engineer Transport Refrigeration

Job Description Sales Engineer Transport Refrigerationin Riyadh Capital of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The future jobholder will … actively drive sales in the sales organisation and their service stationsevaluate and extend the Carrier service organisationhandle all technical service and maintenance tasks from and to customers maintain quality service by customer service standards analyse and resolve problems identify trends recommend system improvements provide technical support and training for technicians and supervisors generate long term maintenance and service contracts for fleet bulk units negotiate best payment terms and conditions as well as constant followup on outstanding AR with all customers ...If the point of focus of your job seeking is equivalent with the abovementioned job duties it is assumed that you have ... a wide range of technical knowledge in Transport Refrigeration with Carrier andor Thermo King and additional trainings in economicsat least 5 years of experience in project acquisitions sales and relationship management good command of English written and spoken interests in leading a staff of 5 specialists professional communication skills and a sales track record of success.Do you wish to be considered for this role? Please forward your complete application to our consultant Mr. Hans Tschudi by email hans.tschudiatparcon.ch stating current remuneration details and availability. PARCONPERSONALTREUHAND AGAuer Strasse 6aCH9435 HeerbruggTelefon 41 071 727 11 11www.parcon.chKey Skills SaleSalesTransporteconomicsEngineerEngineeringTransportationtechnicalanalystresolve problemquality serviceAbout Company «Treat people as if they were what they ought to be and you help them to become what they are capable of being.» Goethe 17491832Our customer a wellknown and leading company in the Middle East is the sole agency of Carrier Transicold in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Bahrain since more then 35 years. This success story is the result of a fruitful collaboration of a hard working management and its qualified workforce.Because of an upcoming career decision of the present jobholder who has successfully been doing a great job for several years we have been assigned by the board of directors to recruit a qualified and cultureexperienced successor as of Autumn 2014 in the position of a Sales Engineer Transport Refrigeration more...


via http://ift.tt/1liSU27

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