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29 مايو 2014

SAP Workflow

SAP programming technologies BAPI BDC RFC ABAP Security Authorization concepts use of the SAP Data Dictionary SAP Script SmartForms and SAP Dialog programming

Advanced ABAP programming skills in the HR modules Payroll Time Management Benefits Personnel Administration and Organizational Management with FICO PS or MM a plus in the SAP ECC 6.0 environment and includes Userexits PNPCE Logical Database Macros Structural Authorization in the context of SAP HR and Performance Tuning

Demonstrates strong SAP Workflow development skills using Workflow Builder Business Objects ABAP Classes Agent Determination Events.

Ability to estimate work effort and prioritize workload

Participate in user functional and technical specification development

Prepare unit test plan test data and perform unitprogram testing

Follow established District development standards and procedures

Excellent working knowledge of SAP IMG and configuration tasks in regards to ABAP and Workflow

SAP Certification is preferred

Excellent written and verbal communicative skills

Public Sector experience is a plus


Must have 5 years of SAP ABAP development experience performing the following tasks

Experience in RFC’s Business Addins SAPscript SmartForms ABAP Objects ABAP debugger Runtime AnalysisMonitor Coverage Analyzer Code Inspector and Exception Handling

Experience in ABAP Data Dictionary Data Interfaces RFC ALE ALV IDOCS BDC BADI BAPI BDT BI

Experience with HR Enhancements Screen Infotypes

Must have 5 years of SAP workflow developer experience analyzing the business approval matrix and mapping the solution to the workflow engine.

Must have at least 2 FullLife Cycle implementations of SAP R3 Module experience with crossfunctional experience in other modules including FI MM PM amp HR.

Must have at least 5 years experience in both SAP implementations and sustaining supportusing SAP best practices and ASAP Methodology

via http://ift.tt/1hBU07h

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