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29 مايو 2014

HR Manager mf

Job descriptionLead and manage the daytoday HR activities within MedNet KSA to ensure standards are followed – this includes but not limited to administering personnel files leave management tracking employees’ time and attendance supervising the preparation of HR reports managing the implementation and improvement of policies and procedures providing advice and counselling to employees on jobrelated issues all in accord with the local labour law the regional HR governance framework and business needs Develop and seek approval for the annual manpower and recruitment plan in line with MedNet KSA’s HR resource requirements in order to support the achievement of the business objectives Be responsible for the recruiting and hiring process up to middle management level including sourcing interviewing selecting qualified candidates meeting the position requirements doing referral checks negotiating employment terms with suitable candidates making the initial offer within given guidelines and establishing an induction program for new joiners Build maintain and foster external relations with employment agencies academic institutions and other sources of high potential candidates and lead the development maintenance and updating of a recruitment database that holds information of interviewed candidates and potential profiles for future sourcing purposes Lead the effective implementation and administration of MedNet KSA’s reward management system and manage the administration of the local Performance Management system in line with the regional HR governance framework in order to promote a performance driven culture in MedNet KSA Coordinate with departments to evaluate the training requirements of the employees and conduct a training needs’ analysis as well as provide support advice and give professional assistance to line management with respect to their employees’ individual training and development plans Participate in identifying third party training providers training courses or implement customised trainings if required that offer optimum usefulness to the nominated employees and improve organisation effectivenes more...


via http://ift.tt/1oxSQRA

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