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30 أبريل 2014

Science Teaching Post Available In Qatar Immediate Start

. Science Teacher Qatar Immediate Start Accommodation Provided This fantastic school is a premium school in the Qatar. It runs the National Curriculum for England. It takes students 3 years to 16 years. Teachers are native English speakers who are qualified and have experience of delivering their specialist subject. The school is committed to educating the 'whole' child and offers a vibrant extracurricular programme which includes SportsThe Arts and I.T Information Technology thus providing a wide range of excellent opportunities. Gifted and talented students are offered a 'Fast Track' option to excel in their education. Extra support particularly in Science is offered to targeted students. This school is looking for an experienced teacher of Science to begin immediately and be able to deliver KS3 KS5. The post holder must have the following requirements to apply M.Ed B.Ed or a Science related degree with a teacher training qualification Be a native speaker of English Have at least 2 years experience In return the following salary package will be offered A TAX FREE salary Accommodation Allowance Flights Gratuity Medical Interviews will be held via Skype Immediately for any suitable candidates . Date posted more...


via http://ift.tt/ScmU81

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