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26 فبراير 2014

MEP Design Engineer


The successful candidate for this challenging role will have the appropriate experience in a similar role working for either a multidisciplinary

design practice or alternatively within a large national contracting organisation with responsibility for managing the complete MEP design solution or a similar design and service environment.This will require a detailed understanding of the design management construction and engineering process including the initial development of stakeholder requirements within the design briefing stage and the selection and appointment of the designer through to the delivery of the various projects.

Essential Requirements Qualities of the Role


BSc Degree in MEP Building Services will be a mandatory requirement.


Minimum of 15 years postgraduation experience will be essential


Membership of the appropriate Professional body of MEP Engineers or the equivalent will be a requirement.


A record of Continuous Professional Development to support the above.


Must have experience inmission critical technical commercial projects


Capability to interface and manage International design teams.


An excellent Knowledge of all current MEP and technical design standards.


Must have excellent communication and presentation skills with the innate ability to communicate with a number of different Stakeholders.


Must have a good knowledge regards to project execution tools materials and technical resources and current project QC QA and ISO standards.


Computer literate with good knowledge of Auto Cad and programming techniques MS Office Word Excel and have a knowledge of MS Office Project Primavera for monitoring schedules


Ability to lead on the design work with minimal resources and management.


Possess experience in cost optimization value engineer more...


via http://ift.tt/1dC0pNt

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