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Custom Search

10 ديسمبر 2013

Public Information Officer

. >Job Advertisement The United Nations World Food Programme IT Emergency Preparedness and Response Branch WFPOSTF

office in Dubai UAE is seeking qualified candidates to fill the following vacancy 1. Position Title Public Information Officer Service Contract for duration of 12 months with the first three months considered as a probation period. Duty station Dubai United Arab Emirates with travel as required. The incumbent will report to the Chief IT Emergency Preparedness and Response Branch and will be responsible for the following duties

  • Managing

    strategic communication and advocacy efforts for WFP IT in emergencies and the Emergency Telecommunications Cluster ETC in WFP’s

    capacity as nominated global lead including

  • Design

    targeted and measurable public information strategies leveraging the full

    range of communication tactics and coordinating with the WFP global IT

    emergency team as well as UN NGO Private sector and Government partners.

  • Manage

    implementation of communication strategies including defining aims and

    objectives monitoring progress and measuring performance and success.

  • Liaise

    with ETC partners for the development and approval of strategic communication

    initiatives and manage the branch’s relationships with communication personnel

    from key partner organizations.

  • Collaborate

    with members of the humanitarian IT community for development of communications

    materials to support partnerships and interagency activities including articles

    presentations videos brochures project proposals speeches and


  • Research

    analyze and integrate information to prepare a wide range of editorial

    including feature and journal articles white papers reports press releases

    brochures backgrounders often under tight deadlines. Determine appropriate

    medium for distribution.

  • Provide

    strategic communication support and where required leadership to other nonIT

    branches of WFP including drafting of strategies.

  • Manage

    staff projects and initiatives related to PI and communications for IT and

    for the Dubai office when required

  • Act

    as spokesperson and media focal point for IT in emergencies create media

    messages liaise with journalists propose coverage and consult on angle disseminate

    material and host journalists.

  • Manage

    participation in international conferences including establish discussion

    theme invite key interagency speakers create speeches and presentations

    develop and disseminate report.

  • Coordinate

    and oversee ETC information management and reporting activities including

    transforming technical and complex information into easily understood materials

    for public use.

  • Research

    and write bimonthly IT Emergency newsletter for distribution to mailing list

    of over 1000 people.

  • Manage

    design content and administration of IT Emergency website – the default ETC

    collaboration platform – including preparation of multimedia products.

  • Coordinate

    design approval production publication procedure and distribution of

    advocacy materials.

  • Perform

    other related duties as required. Academic

    Qualifications Experience Language required

    • Education University

      degree in one or more of the following disciplines journalism preferably

      foreign correspondence and international media international relations

      public relations communications or other related fields.

    • Experience At least three years of postgraduate

      professional experience as a journalist public information officer or

      professional writer including experience in the preparation and production of

      materials for publication.

    • Language Fluency in both oral and written

      communication in English.

    • Knowledge Training

      andor experience utilizing computers including word processing spreadsheet

      and other standard WFP software packages and systems. Ability to make different

      types of presentations. General knowledge of UN system policies rules

      regulations and procedures governing administration. Required

      Competencies and Knowledge

      • Strong written and oral communication

      • Recognizes opportunities or threats and acts on them with the

        agreement of supervisor. Responds quickly to emergencies with a solution or a


      • Works productively with broad range of team members e.g. all job

        profiles levels actively participates in and supports team decisions openly shares knowledge expertise or

        experience with team members.

        • Actively seeks information and opinions of client to understand

          their requests and to identify their needs and expectations. Meets deadlines

          for delivery of products or services to clients. Keeps clients informed of

          progress or setbacks. Explains the rationale for decisionsoutcomes to the

          client. Solicits ongoing feedback from clients.

        • Systematically extracts pertinent information from relevant

          sources. Conducts indepth analysis on issues and problems. Identifies multiple

          causes of a problem and relationships among the causes.

        • Maintains effective performance in demanding or uncertain

          situations e.g. emergency andor varied field situations.

        • Develops a sound understanding of own area of activity as well as

          WFP’s structure mandate vision and key priorities. Prioritizes own work

          activities in accordance with the division’s mandate. Develops a sound

          understanding of policies and procedures that are related to own work. Entry on Duty Immediately The United Nations World Food Programme is an

          equal opportunity employer. Qualified female candidates are strongly encouraged

          to apply. The United Nations World Food Programme is

          the world’s largest Humanitarian organization each year we give food to an

          average of 90 million poor people to meet their nutritional needs including 58

          million hungry children in at least 80 of the world's poorest countries. The WFP Office in Dubai provides support to

          all WFP operations in terms of ICT Procurement and Logistics.

          • Candidates are

            required to declare in their CV if they have close relatives parents

            children siblings working as Staff Members within WFP.

          • It is highly

            recommended that candi more...


            via http://uae.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-emirates/it/003450506.html

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